This International Women’s Day, celebrated on the 8th of March across the world, MicroSign and Kalasangh came together to organize a Wall Painting event for the women of Bhavnagar. There were over 125 enthusiastic daughters of the town of Bhavnagar showcasing their skills and talent through Warli painting. Dr. Twinkle Nakrani graced the event at the opening ceremony along with Mrs. Mona Panchal and Mr. Bharat Pandya. They boosted the moral for all the women out there with their presence and kind words.
It is essential to recognize the opportunities for women empowerment and give them a scope to bring out their best. Through tireless efforts from Mrs. Bhagyashree Mehta, this event turned out to be a satisfying success for all. Ms. Ashok and Mr. Ajay extended great support and assistance throughout as well. This event stood as a symbol of celebrating empowerment and womanhood through the medium of Art. Year after year, the Centre for Excellence – MicroSign has been keen on making the people of Bhavnagar experience events that keeps them alive and motivated.We strongly wish to increase the significance of Art in the society through consistent exposure and interest. When given the chance, women can bring out great talent through art, through music, and myriad other skills. We thus took the effort to provide a platform where women could showcase taking the our rich and diverse art forms forward in society. We have a culture and heritage that we are proud of and it is essential that there are regular activities which allow us to stay in touch with our roots, our pride. 8th March witnessed one such evening where people came together and painted for a good 4.5 hours at a stretch, leaving a fresh air of breath and buzz across the town!
This International Women’s Day in Bhavnagar saw our women put up a powerful show of talent and skills through the medium of Warli painting.