Mr. Ramzan Sama wrote and presented a case study on the workings of MicroSign. His paper was presented at the National and International conference held at the Chandigarh University in February. He won an award for the best paper presentation for this case study during 26th – 28th February. The context of this case study considers business policies and practices that result in sustainable development for employees who are differently abled.
In the Agenda for Sustainable Development for 2030, the United Nations has shared 17 goals. These are called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of this, MicroSign currently fulfills 5 goals, which was appreciated by all. The United Nations shared laws and guidelines regarding the differently-abled population in 1992. This was the start of conversations around the less-talked-about population amongst us. Later, India also passed laws to the effect of employment guidelines for the lesser privileged population. However, MicroSign had laid the foundations for this healthy philosophy earlier. This is ingrained in our philosophy, actions, and practice since 1987.
As of today, more than 50% of the employees, that is the HR workforce, is differently abled at MicroSign. Our focus has always been on looking for the ability that lies hidden beneath the obvious mask of disability. So while we focus on sustainable growth and development, we want to do so with continued social responsibility. Social justice comes with a constant awareness of social concerns and actively seeking solutions that will turn into a sustainable practice. A win-win situation for all involved will help in the longer run. At MicroSign, hence, the differently abled is not seen as unsuccessful, but the best we have.
Over time, MicroSign has created a model for industries about how to engage and employ their employees in a way that will help maximize potential for all; and how to put them to the best possible use. Considering all these aspects of our work culture, as displayed through the case study, Mr. Ramzan was awarded the outstanding best paper award.